However I'm finding some difficulties on doing even basic things. I hope you find it useful to your purposes.I'm following this PGFPLOTS manual. Basically the idea is to find and recolour boxplot's odd and even positioned outliers with the same colour of the boxplot. The rgb function can be found in mathworks.

N(j).MarkerEdgeColor = rgb('MediumSpringGreen') N(j).MarkerEdgeColor = rgb('DeepSkyBlue')

Ylabel('$Your Data$','Interpreter','latex','FontSize',25) Rgb('MediumSpringGreen') rgb('DeepSkyBlue')] ī=boxplot(Data,Gr,'labels',Labels,'colors',RGB,'notch','on') RGB = [rgb('DeepskyBlue') rgb('MediumSpringGreen') rgb('DeepSkyBlue') I want to share with the community a part of a recent experience that I found to be useful in order to add some tips that could help Matlab users:īasically I wanted to colour differently the boxplots and their outliers.ĭata = [Random(1,1:end) Random(2,1:end) Random(3,1:end) Random(4,1:end)

Change box plot color matlab code#
The tag is wrong : I changed 'Outlier' with 'Outliers' and the code runs.